Sunday, November 2, 2008

More People Keep Coming...Limited Spaces For December

Hi Peeps,

Just a short one as we're really busy rushing out several campaigns.

All the same, despite all the hectic excitement and flurry of adrenaline rushing activity, we've still made time to review a few resumes and meet some very delightful people.

I thought we were helping people by guiding them to craft their winning, personalised cover letters and resumes. But you know what?

We're having such a ball getting to know all you wonderful people that I feel blessed! LOL! Thank you.

And those of all who will be contacting us for follow-ups, we look forward to it. :-)

We are taking on a few more CVs reviews for December (only a few more). So if you've wanted wanted to see how you can "turbo charge" your resumes for FREE (yes, the consultation is at no charge); now is the time to contact us...especially those who:

1) emailed and messaged me
2) Left a comment on my facebook page or within the blog
3) Called me
4) Those who have seriously thought about doing this but have put it off for whatever reason.
5) those who are shy :-)

Get in touch with us ASAP. As we get busier, I am not sure if we will do this next year...

In the meantime, good luck to all those who are applying already for their desired jobs or passing it to recruiters, etc. It's nice to see people so motivated thanks to their revamped resumes. There are no guarantees in life, but you just have to get out and d give yourself the best shot you can get. A great resume sure helps. :-)

Cheers and have a great week ahead.

Words Wizards Team
"Be Different"